Sunday, August 17, 2014

Making friends :)

So, I have now been in country one week and it has been an amazing experience!  I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people I have met through the organization that sent me!  I have made friends from all over the world in such a short time.  Pictured with me in the rickshaw is Anne from Germany.  Monique from the Netherlands also has been a huge help and wonderful friend.  

I was able to attend Dhaka International Fellowship (a branch of the AG fellowship here in Dhaka).  It was a beautiful service and I plan to go back this Friday before leaving Dhaka.  Friday after service, I went shopping for more clothing with Monique.  We stopped by Pizza Inn for lunch and the diet Pepsi is pictured below.  My clothing is still at the tailor (nothing fits me off the rack here with my "American arms") but am picking them up later today so more pics to follow in my new outfits.  

Sunday I was able to go to the American club and go for a swim (a true luxury in Dhaka).  I also met many Americans working at the Embassy and had dinner with them.  The weather has been nice the last few days after many days of relentless rain (which I tried to capture in a photo from my room balcony, but it doesn't capture the essence of pouring rain very well). 

All in all, I feel very happy and excited to get to Parbatipur and start working in the hospital next week.  I'm enjoying every day and every new experience as a blessing.   

Please pray for my continued safety and health.  Pray that my brain will be a sponge to absorb this new language.  Thank you all for supporting me with your prayers!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for keeping us all informed. Know that MANY are praying for YOU
