Saturday, August 9, 2014

Leaving on a jet plane

I have so many feelings this morning as a prepare for 6 months in Bangladesh.  I am mostly excited, a little sad, nervous, and full of anticipation.  I'm glad I slept at all last night!
I'm going to miss my dog so much (here's a photo so I could practice uploading).
As I travel for the next 30 some hours, please pray for my safety.  As I arrive, please pray for the culture shock that I will be flexible and adapt.  Thank you to everyone who is supporting this trip, either with prayer or financially.  I will keep updates coming regularly (Lord willing).
Thank you!


  1. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventure and all the good work you are doing

  2. Your site is now bookmarked and I look forward to regular updates (as time and internet connectivity allow). Be specific about your prayer requests.
