Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My new “home”

I am so happy to report that my travels are now complete and I am settling in at my home for the next 6 months in beautiful rural Bangladesh.  My hospital is on a small mission compound and my living quarters are at the guesthouse within that compound.  There are other foreigners (“Budeshis”) living here as well.  At the moment it is mostly other members of my “Gyne” team living in the house and as I write this we are all lounging on the couches in the common room.  We eat at a dining room table breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  I am so amazed that we take a break every day from the hospital to go home and eat lunch.  Since it’s a small compound, it only takes approximately 3 minutes to walk from the guesthouse to the hospital. 

The hospital has a strong British influence so the pace is much different from the “American way”.  For example, the anesthesiologist suggested we break for tea briefly before bringing the next patient into the OR (called Operating Theatre here).  I love tea breaks!  Why was I born in America? J

I am also truly enjoying being a member of an international community of believers.  We had a prayer meeting last night after work and there were so many countries represented.  It has been both exhilarating and challenging to learn all of the differences between all the different cultures.  For example, I learned that Tylenol is called acetaminophen in America and Canada but paracetamol pretty much everywhere else.  I was looked at strangely when I said I didn’t know what drug paracetamol was!  We eventually figured out what it was but my Swiss department head had never heard of acetaminophen.   It’s the little things.

Despite my language barrier they are keeping me busy: putting in and taking out Implanon (a long term contraceptive placed in the arm), and doing ultrasound.  Our Gyne team is all women. We have 3 senior Bangladeshi doctors and 4 juniors.  At the moment we have five international “consultants” but two are leaving this week, one is leaving next month and the other is leaving early October.  Then it will just be me with the Bangladeshi doctors.  Thank God they all speak English so it works even with a language barrier, and they are all lovely people with good attitudes.  We have a very nice daily routine of meeting for handover at 9AM then we read a passage of the bible together and pray together.  

I got permission from all of the team members to post this picture of our team. 

Our department head was off for a long weekend holiday today and one of the senior Bangladeshi is preparing for her board exam, so they are not pictured.

I know this was a bit long, but thank you for taking the time to read this and for supporting me with your prayers.

Specifically pray for:
  • me to quickly learn the differences in practice management
  • continued language skills
  • my first “on call” : I’m terrified of things I just haven’t experienced first hand thus far in the US (eclampsia, etc.)


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Making friends :)

So, I have now been in country one week and it has been an amazing experience!  I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people I have met through the organization that sent me!  I have made friends from all over the world in such a short time.  Pictured with me in the rickshaw is Anne from Germany.  Monique from the Netherlands also has been a huge help and wonderful friend.  

I was able to attend Dhaka International Fellowship (a branch of the AG fellowship here in Dhaka).  It was a beautiful service and I plan to go back this Friday before leaving Dhaka.  Friday after service, I went shopping for more clothing with Monique.  We stopped by Pizza Inn for lunch and the diet Pepsi is pictured below.  My clothing is still at the tailor (nothing fits me off the rack here with my "American arms") but am picking them up later today so more pics to follow in my new outfits.  

Sunday I was able to go to the American club and go for a swim (a true luxury in Dhaka).  I also met many Americans working at the Embassy and had dinner with them.  The weather has been nice the last few days after many days of relentless rain (which I tried to capture in a photo from my room balcony, but it doesn't capture the essence of pouring rain very well). 

All in all, I feel very happy and excited to get to Parbatipur and start working in the hospital next week.  I'm enjoying every day and every new experience as a blessing.   

Please pray for my continued safety and health.  Pray that my brain will be a sponge to absorb this new language.  Thank you all for supporting me with your prayers!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dhaka: the big city

According to Wikipedia, Dhaka has an estimated population of more than 15 million people, making it the largest city in Bangladesh and one of the largest cities in the world. Dhaka is one of the major cities ofSouth Asia.[6] It is known as the City of Mosques, and with 400,000 cycle-rickshaws running on its streets every day, the city is described as the Rickshaw Capital of the World

I agree!  My first impressions of Bangladesh brought back fond memories of my prior visits to Beijing.  It was 14 years ago in August, when I traveled to Beijing for my semester abroad.  Rickshaws everywhere, taxis with 3 wheels, overcrowded buses, motorcycles, pedestrians and cyclists filled the streets.  And the honking is non-stop!  Not to mention the 5-time a day call to prayer over loudspeakers.  You'd think these walls are made of paper.  Actually the guesthouse where I am staying is quite nice.  Everything about this place is nicer than I pictured; I suppose I had very low expectations.  I have a private room with an interesting shower.  The toilet is in the corner of the shower; very efficient.  I have air conditioning, PRAISE HIM!!   

I am enjoying the food as well, although everything is a little spicy.  At least I like spicy.  I started my language class yesterday and got my cell phone.  I am in awe that my iphone works with the new sim card; i figured it would be locked for sure.  I have two Salwar Kameez outfits that fit which were given to me as hand-me-downs, so I will need to shop for a few more soon.  I will be in the "big city" for 2 weeks  doing language study before taking a train to the country where the hospital is located.  There is wifi here but when I get to my hospital the internet may not work as well, so I am taking opportunity to skype with friends and family while I can.  

My heart feels good here, and I have such peace that this is where I'm supposed to be and am in His will.  I also feel safe.

Prayer requests:
  • For my language study, that I will learn quickly
  • for my health (many new foods)
  • for my jet lag (it's getting better but I still get very sleepy mid-day)
  • for my continued safety in a new place, pray things don't get stolen, etc.
Thank you all so much for following along!