Saturday, February 7, 2015

Time flies!

I am sitting here preparing to return to America.  I have already completed the first leg of my trip from LAMB to Dhaka and soon will start my 23 hours of flying, the longest leg being 14 hrs from Dubai to NYC.  I just cannot believe that 6 months have passed so quickly.  I look back at my time and feel truly blessed, so my leaving is with mixed emotions.  I am very sad to leave an excellent job and what now feels like a second home, but am very excited to see my loved ones in America.  I’m also excited to return to some of the conveniences of America, although I am fully prepared for “reverse culture shock” which I have experienced before when returning from time spent overseas. 

My last month here (January) was probably the most challenging medically.  We had two cases within 4 days of each other of massive postpartum hemorrhage.  Both patients required life saving hysterectomy and massive blood transfusion (18 units for the first patient and 13 for the second).  Unfortunately, the first patient (let’s call her "Amy") did not survive, which was devastating to me and all involved. Please pray for Amy’s family.  They are grieving a major loss and her baby is going to face many challenges growing up without a mother.  The second patient, let’s call her “Mary”, went home 10 days after surgery and is very healthy.  Praise God! She is truly an example of the life-saving work we do here.  She is pictured below with Keya, the doctor who managed her care with me.   
Healthy "Mary" and baby
How we eat with our hands
Gynae team at my going away party
My last few days at LAMB were spent trying to enjoy all of the little things.  I went on a few walks, spent time with friends, and had a going away party at Keya’s house: she is an excellent cook as well as an amazing doctor!

Planting new rice

I do not know exactly the road that God has for my future, but I am sure I will return to Bangladesh.  I am already tentatively planning my next trip, which will be much shorter (5 weeks) for next winter/early spring. 

Please also pray for my health.  I have a cough/cold and am praying that it improves a bit before I depart.  

My Aiyas (I look like a giant)

Thank you all again so much for your prayers and financial support during my time here.  God has been so good and it is obvious that HE truly hand picked me to be here.  I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.
